Interview LLM 🐾

The no subscription, self-hosted interview coder alternative, buy once use forever!

Active tab dectection

Easily show and hide Interview LLM window without detection

Customized Questions


No possibiity of detection in screen sharing software

Progress Tracking

Solution Reasoning and thought process

Get instant Solution Reasoning, thought process and time complexity

Webcam monitoring

move the window with intuitive shortcuts to seem more natural while looking at the screen

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us at this email.

How does it compare to Interview Coder ( +

We have feature parity with interview coder with additional customizations like self hosting, etc. Lifetime sub to interview LLM is less than 2 months subscription to interviewcoder!

Is it really invisible? +

Yes, the software is invisible to most screen sharing software, some versions of zoom (6.1.6 or higher) and MacOS (Sonoma) do not work as intended.

How is it undetectable? +

We work with OS layer in the native platforms to bypass visibility to screen recording or monitoring software. Works best with any browser based interview setup.

Is this the best and cheapest option to help get past the coding rounds? +

Interview LLM is significantly cheaper than other less customizable options like, Our lifetime subscription is cheaper than 1 months of use of

How can I get help during setup? +

Do not worry, reach out to out support email mentioned at the top of this section anytime and we will guide you with any setup steps, customization and any other help that you need!

Why Interview LLM?

Instant Answers
📱 Mobile Friendly
🏢 Best LLM model for coding
User-Friendly Interface
Fuck Leetcode
📊 SOTA OS layer manipulation